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Cry WebTV Users...Cry

From: In_valid@webtv.net
Date: 03 Feb 1999
Time: 18:32:17
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Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Mon, Jan 11, 1999, 3:53pm From: In_valid@webtv.net Cry WebTV Users…Cry

I love reading the post in this NG. I can just picture the people in this group all laying on the floor banging their fists and yelling "Why are the corps picking on us?", "Im a WebTV hacker dont they know who I am?", "Why wont they tell me any secrets?". The second thing I love about this NG is the people that try to say the corps are not really corps but in fact they are computer users using fake mailers, I think that guy must work for the goverment LOL. One of the best post I have seen yet has to be, "Im going to make my own NG and not let any corps play in our guessing games". My god how stupid are you people. The corps are the ones who created WebTV & I think they are just a little bit smarter than some snot nose brats using a set top box that they had to work all summer to buy or got as a gift from their parents. This NG is such a joke, you people are not hackers and dont know a damn thing about hacking. You watch some movie like Hackers or The Net & you think your one of them. Get a clue and a life. To the Corps, When I goto demo using MY WebTV change stocks and type in… embed src=wtv-head-waiter:/login How come the logo page keeps starting over and over till I hit home, mail or favs button? Please see if you can fix that problem. O darn did I just give this NGs only secrect out to the corps. :-) Have a great day kids, I know I will.

Last changed: April 21, 1999