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Re: Dicected Webtv!(Read Corps) 

From: ameltzer@corp.webtv.net
Date: 04 Feb 1999
Time: 15:14:52
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Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Thu, Jan 14, 1999, 8:38pm (EST+5) From: ameltzer@corp.webtv.net Re: Dicected Webtv!(Read Corps)

James Hamilton <athugforlife@webtv.net> wrote: I was at an local collage in my area and You were getting hooked on phonics? we are working on an new project! Hacking webtv! Well I found An broken webtv during the great 98 flood here in San Antonio Texas. So we opened it up and found an Zero insertion force(ZIF) Cool! It's curious that none of our internally manufactured development boxes have one of these, but if you say so. socket. It is located next to the Internal cache chip. Do this mean that the plus is upgradeable? We also found an PCI bus port. The These are used to to connect You're talking about the expansion port on the side? That's not a PCI bus port, it's an expansion port, and just about any CE product you can buy will have one of those. We also found an single in-line memory module. Could more memory be added if we Replace the memory module? Good god, shocking. Every WebTV box I've ever seen had it's memory soldered onto the motherboard. Sure, you could add more memory by soldering more RAM onto the MB -- of couse the client can't take advantage of it, as it is. Why did webtv network try to hide how much memory the plus has? How so? It's printed very plainly on the webtv.net site all the specs about the Plus box. -- DISCLAIMER: The above opinions expressed are mine alone, not my employers. <mendel> ``telnet to www.clue.org:80, and GET.'' * nathan- slaps mendel <nathan-> you need to GET / <cstone> you need to GET / HTTP/1.0 <Dr_Radium> I can't resolve www.clue.org

Last changed: April 21, 1999