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From: (///\ ulTRÅX \\\/)
Date: 05 Feb 1999
Time: 17:28:45
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Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Wed, Jan 20, 1999, 11:42pm From: ulTRAX@webtv.net (///\ ulTRÅX \\\/) READ THIS: ENOUGH LAMEBRAIN CRAP

Lamebrain, the sick troll, is just doing the only thing it knows how: it wants to use my starting the other long thread as evidence that I'm a hypocrite because I'm now calling for its demise. But the putrid puke will never tell you that I started that thread ONLY so not to add to one of his earlier attempts to disrupt the NG. So... here's my post again.... S/he/it can post all the trollish, provocative crap he wants.... but damn it, that no reason for the rest of you to keep adding to this thread. Let him bitch and moan on his own. He has not yet added one useful idea to this NG yet you his bullshit dominate the first page. F*ck em. Eventually he'll bore with the NG and find some other suckers to pester.

Last changed: April 21, 1999