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Once Again, I'm Back

From: (Real Act)
Date: 03 Feb 1999
Time: 20:20:42
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Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Tue, Jan 12, 1999, 3:36pm (EST-3) From: Real-Act@webtv.net (Real Act) Once Again, I'm Back

I *was* suspended and deleted once again by someone else other than Javier. Also, as *someone* told me, when you access TestDrive/Weekly/etc., WebTV get's a BIG red bar explaining where I am, and so on. So fellas, if you *do* get in to something you shouldn't be in, be quick about. For WebTV DOES know. And for those of you were wondering, I'm 14, have no WebPage other than my WebTL site, and my problem (Of getting suspended & deleted at numerous times) was known by mostly everyone at WNI. The fella I was talking to said no one had any idea whatsoever on what was wrong. But the problem has been fixed (2 meanings to this), and hopefully it won't happen again. *Hint* *Hint* Javier... Well, that's all I have to say. Except this: Be carefull on what you do with your WebTV. For WebTV probably knows what your doing, and where you are...(They have eyes on your unit!)

Last changed: April 21, 1999