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From: (Real Act)
Date: 03 Feb 1999
Time: 21:00:36
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Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Tue, Jan 12, 1999, 11:27pm (EST-3) From: Real-Act@webtv.net (Real Act) Re: !! lol !! (Warning about WHITENIGHT)
athugforlife: Is that all you ever think about? Post on-topic for once, instead of being the ass that's hated (Don't gimmie that bullcrap of saying you don' care what others think. Maybe you should). You need something, anything, to get those ideas out of your quarter-inch twisted mind. Now, back to where I was. There was a server-side upgrade about 2 months ago. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Also, someone told me that they believe we might have another one soon. Who knows...but if I wanted to know, I could find out. Some way or another. By the way, *someone* suggested that they thought it was Cryptox sending me that msg. Also, someone bombed me with my old Spammer I had way back a long time ago... :-)