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From: (Real Act)
Date: 04 Feb 1999
Time: 16:37:00
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Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Wed, Jan 13, 1999, 3:26pm (EST-3) From: Real-Act@webtv.net (Real Act) Re: ULTIMATE Secret Pics.
That little red bar was created by Javier Rampage. You also saw that bar when I got into TD. Along with this other user, who's on a Classic, and which you let back :-) Matt: I was trying this with my COmputer friend as you helped me to do, but we couldn't get anything. You must have known more, for you had the source, and you were my source... Javier: I take it you, Krishna, and Rampage work in that same office eh? So who was that I heard in the BG? Possibly Krishna? *Maybe* I have to leave with this ending quote: "It was fun while it lasted!"