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From: golden-post@webtv.net
Date: 05 Feb 1999
Time: 18:21:12
Remote Name:
i first saw eprom@webtv.net embed a link to the cookie list..among other things...immediately after it was unaccessable through direct links...... 1/18/1999 - South Dakota Governor spells it out "I can tell you today that if year 2000 hit today, the electric grid that serves South Dakota would go down," says Governor Janklow. Read the transcript and search for 'Y2K.' http://www.state.sd.us/governor/FILES/sos99c/transcript.htm 1/19/1999 - Medicare admits it won't be ready in time http://www.ntgov.com/gcn/gcn/1999/january11/13a.htm