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From: (The Path Of Rage)
Date: 05 Feb 1999
Time: 18:27:55
Remote Name:
Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Thu, Jan 21, 1999, 8:07pm (EST-1) From: Ecwfrk2@webtv.net (The Path Of Rage) New TOS
4.3 Acceptable Use Of The Network WebTV may, at it's discretion suspend or terminate the account of any user engaging in any of the following: If you attempt to access TestDrive If you try to access demo If you try to download something If you try to upload something If you attack a WebTV IP If you breathe too loud If you chew with your mouth open If you don't say please before taking a cookie If you dip your chicken nugget twice in the same BBQ sauce If you use the wrong fork first at dinner If you comb your hair all the way across your head to cover a bald spot If your socks don't match If you have a piece of toilet paper stuck to your shoe when you leave the restroom If you turn the car off with the radio up all the way so the next person gets a shock when they start it in the morning If you stand in front of the refrigerator with the door open just looking at what you already knew was there If you stop 10 feet before the stoplight If you look in the mirror too much If you post in all caps If you walk in your neighbor's grass If you wear clothes that are too revealing If you use fowl language If you sit too close to the tv If you drink out of the milk jug......