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From: (The Path Of Rage)
Date: 05 Feb 1999
Time: 18:28:42
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Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Fri, Jan 22, 1999, 10:56pm (EST-1) From: Ecwfrk2@webtv.net (The Path Of Rage) Re: New TOS
Hell, it might as well be true. If the abuse department decides to TOS you, there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. You can waste time trying to defend yourself. But in the end you'll just get a "shut up, we can do what we want" E-Mail from them. Then when you ask them for the corp address of their superior so you can report the shitty way you were treated they ignore you until you finally get a lawyer to call to get the contact info for the legal department and inform them of the way thier abuse department is conucting buisness in the compnies name. But of course your lawyer will have to call over a dozen times, but they don't let customer service to give out contact info for the legal department. So he then has to send out a ton of faxes and E-Mails but of course they too are ignored. So he finally has to get an order signed by a judge demanding the info and send it registered mail to get the info (which isn't sent out for 3 weeks), and of course the info is some bullshit like legal@corp.webtv.net and all E-Mail to that address is ignored as well. You keep getting the run around so either you finally just go "FUCK IT!" and take the box back to the store after pulling a few chips and exchange it for a new box (You of course wait until they shut down your service for non-payment. So you get a few months of free service out of the bastards), get a new box and sign up fresh. No TOS violations, no account bill, no reputation, and a fresh new chance to get into testdrive again or you fucking go out and sue the shit out of them. But of course the suit is so weak there is little chance of winning and even if you do win you lose a couple years of your life waiting for them to run out of appeal time before your lawyer gets the money awarded to him (which is all the money awarded. You don't get awarded a dime since you really didn't lose anything) and Yippie! You finally get the TOS violation removed from your file. And then two weeks later you say "fuck" in a post and they use their "discresion" and terminate your account. [In case you're wondering I just got of the phone with customer <cough>service<choke> and finally got a small problem fixed after calling 3 times in the past asking them to fix it. And *I* had to explain to the dip shit on the phone how to do it. So I'm quite a bit pissed at the company right now.] Hey corps! If any of you are still around, where do I apply to be a customer service rep? I know there are level 2's (And I know more about the service than every level 2 I've ever talked to.) who work off site from home. Since I'm always telling people how to get their service working right anyways I figure I might as well get paid for it. Or does WebTV have some policy against hiring customer service reps who know what the hell they're doing?