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From: ([]D (()) ((@ .)
Date: 05 Feb 1999
Time: 19:36:53
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Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Mon, Jan 25, 1999, 9:13pm From: P0ETHORN@webtv.net ([]D (()) ((@ .) Re: WHAT WAS THE BEST NG <poe>
I'm not sure if anyone knew about the use of JS in forward mail before me, about 6 or 7 months ago I was embeding a webpage to my sig that had a javascript password script on it, tried to access my write message screen and got a pop-up that said "there is now webpage or any other information available for the item chosen" ...or something like that. The pop-up kept activating continuously, rendering my terminal frozen. I thought ..... hmmm, then I embeded the page directly to my message and sent a copy to myself. I opened it ..... nothing. Then it hit me, duh, they took JS from mail but it still works on network pages. Then I started using all kinds of variations and came up with some creative ways to use it. Around August I posted in alt.discuss.html taunting people to try and forward my mail (testing them out). I think it was ProfessorFrink who finally was able to forward it. He told me the way he did it was to put a transition in his mail before forwarding a message containing one of my bomb disablers and while the transition was activating he pasted a bunk email addy and hit his send button before the transition finished, allowing him to forward the message before the JS activated. There was an easier method than this, but most would'nt know the commands necessary for that method. I never heard of any other use of JS in forward before I stumbled over it. Although, I believe someone posted before that with a method to get metas back in mail that had the same concept of using embed pages. That person I believe was MCmegamixer.