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From: (///\ ulTRÅX \\\/)
Date: 05 Feb 1999
Time: 22:05:20
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Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Mon, Jan 25, 1999, 11:36pm From: ulTRAX@webtv.net (///\ ulTRÅX \\\/) WHAT DO YOU WANT?
As I continue to work on my long delayed HP... I thought I'd run past you all just what my goals were and to get your input. From my intro: This Site had intended to accomplish several goals. The first is simply to be the definitive Tricks Archive of current and obsolete WTV URLs and commands. A second, more ambitious goal was to design the Site as a functional WTV Hacking Utility. This feature had combined the instant access of the 1200+ embedded codes and URLs with the Javascript Code Reader. (oh well) A third goal of this site is to be an archive.... not just to provide an up-to-date distillation of what we know.... but a record of how we got to know what we do. In persuit of that last goal I just revised https://members.tripod.com/~ulTRICK/archive/ip.txt which for he first time has both elements. It's but a first draft.... none the less, I want to know what people think... and what you want.