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From: (///\ ulTRÅX \\\/)
Date: 06 Feb 1999
Time: 09:04:34
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Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Sat, Jan 30, 1999, 8:07pm From: ulTRAX@webtv.net (///\ ulTRÅX \\\/) OPINIONS?
First is an exerpt from a Usenet post.... I wrote the person and got the responses below. The person then disappeared. Oh Well. Question is.... does anyone have any information to support any of this? Simple fact is the damn disk is right there in our box and to date we have made no progress hacking it... ====================================== The two pages that I refered to which could be accessed locally on the WebTV Network are for use by employees and licensees/retailers of WebTV. Of course you can't access any vital areas of the network or anything like that, but there is alot of great information meant for licensees. For instance, I got a list of all 130 "Power off Codes" for the units. When the unit is off, you hit options 3 times, put in the code number, and fire up the terminal. There is alot of shit you can get to, for instance, you can access information that the terminal stores about your web browsing habits abd your TV watching habits and exact advertising matches that the system plans to give to you the next time you fire up. You can also disable all network-based advertisements, as well as record keeping (i dont like them looking over my shoulder). Some more interesting shit: On the Philips box, if you use power off code 0001982626, and then turn the system on while holding down the option key, you get a completely blank screen, with a banner and prompt at the top that looks like: BITS 0.1.1 (c) BITS 1998 direcproc: I have yet to find anything which I can do from here, besides get another direcproc: prompt, but i think it might be a lil somethin :) ==================================== From: XXXXXX@webtv.net Date: Wed, Dec 16, 1998, 9:07pm (EST-1) To: ulTRAX@webtv.net actually, the information on your viewing/browsing habits is stored locally on your unit, until you connection to webtv, it then transmits some of this data to pull up a corresponding advertisement. The last data transmitted to WebTV on your behalf can be accessed through wtv-tricks:/info You need a password to gain access. The password changes almost weekly, as I have found. ===================================== From: XXXXXX@webtv.net Date: Wed, Dec 16, 1998, 10:27pm (EST-1) To: ulTRAX@webtv.net Subject: Re: 2600 The URL will not allow you to directly access it without first going through the wtv-tricks:/control page. I just tried that URL, and you're right, for some reason it isnt working today. The reason I did not just give you the password to the page is that the password seems to have changed since the last time i used it. The last time I accessed this page was last month, when I first got my webtv plus. I do not have the current password, because I havent ran my program on the page since the first time I got on it. (Fully explored the page already, and did not want to spend another 4 hours or so getting the password) There really is not much there, there are just a few options: 1) Power Off Codes 2) Information about this terminal 3) Tricks Page 4) Info Page The first option is obvious, the second shows information about your terminal, such as silicon ID #, Build #, Hard disk space used, Hard disk space free, fragmentation percentage, as well as the dialup network you are connecting from (BITNET, TYMENET, etc.) From this second page you can also access information about your advertising matches, and the list of the next 25 or so advertisements matching your profile, based on your browsing/viewing habits, as well as an option to shut this service off completely and to stop record keeping. I will try and crack the page again, when i do, i will give you the new password. I emailed the power-off codes to myself and had them saved in my mail folder for a while, but accidently deleted them. Some of them are terminal-specific, most are not. The most interesting ones I have written down in a notebook, I'll type some of them up and send them to you soon. Alt of the ones that where in the list didnt appear to work after the last upgrade, alot of them just froze my system with a ? prompt at the top of the screen. When I tried to go to the Tricks and Info pages that where on this page, I got another password screen. I ran my program on both for almost a whole day and was unable to get a password to either. Someone named Matt Man replied to a message of mine, and I went to his homepage. He had a screen shot of something called the 'DOOM' page, which appeared to be an additional setting in the settings area where he could download DOOM and play it on his terminal?! do you have any info on this? I would greatly appreciate it. Was this in the Tricks or Info pages that this page links to? If you have any info, it would be appreciated.