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From: (///\ ulTRÅX \\\/)
Date: 06 Feb 1999
Time: 09:38:03
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Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Thu, Jan 21, 1999, 3:18pm From: ulTRAX@webtv.net (///\ ulTRÅX \\\/) TRUTH ON WTV HACKING

This NG attracts more than it's fair share of ingorant Trolls all claiming that since there's so little real content here (as if their bullshit helps), that's proof that nothing's ever been accomplished. Truth is that 1998 has been an absolutely banner year for WTV Hacking.... in large part because of this group..... maybe not because of the majority of posts here, but because it did become the place where people could scout each other out and contact those who they felt were talented and could be trusted. Problem for the NG has always been that most of the real progress has had to be kept secret. Even if WTV did not monitor this group... any good secret that got out would soon be overused leading to another WTV crackdown. The StayConnected Trick is but one minor case in point. Other information may be too dangerous to release since it might compromise the network. Unfortunately, for the NG's reputation, most of the progress that had been made was kept within tight circles and only publicly acknowledged here after WTV became aware of it and took it away. Accessing Testdrive is a case in point. People may blundered into TD during the Tricks Breakin last August.... but WTV cracked down. Afterall, TD was their once secret Test Server. NetOps took all sorts of efforts to seal us out.... to the point that staff would be beeped if the server was accessed. Yet despite WTV's best efforts, hackers found three new and different ways to access TD since last August. This is but one hacking success that now can be talked about. None the less, I don't expect that the Trolls who plauge this NG will give up on their bullshit. But then, they don't care if what they say is true or not. They're only here to pick an arguement. Please dont fall for it.

Last changed: April 21, 1999