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From: (The Path Of Rage)
Date: 06 Feb 1999
Time: 11:19:00
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Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Mon, Feb 1, 1999, 2:21pm (EST-1) From: Ecwfrk2@webtv.net (The Path Of Rage) Re: (Getting Back To TD)
Then, me being the risk taker, went back to Weekly, tried to go to TD, but got red links. I used the other method, but it didn't work. (Don't ask me why) So I then got back to v1.4 simple. (The Stocks didn't work for Builds, don't know why) So I *could* have went back to TD. But I would like to know why I couldn't have gone back, seriously. I would like to know the reason, for I'd like to become more knowledgeable about this ...
Stocks didn't work for me in weekly either. I also couldn't find a production upgrade on weekly either. That's how I got to testdrive. I was just looking for a way back to production and couldn't find one so I had to download a daily upgrade to get back. Luckily the production upgrades were active in TD. You could have gotten back to TD until WebTV found out. And this also may be different on the classic, but this is how it works for the Plus. Once you go to testdrive the first time you create a Testdrive account that is associated with your SSID# Once WebTV finds that account they just delete or suspend it. So, even if you do find a way back to TD, when you do, your box will try to connect to that first TD account. But since it has been deleted you won't be able to get in (MattMan ran into this problem in Oct.) But again, it ay be different on a classic. Oh, and I'm sorry if it seemed like I was defaming your achievment. I didn't know (or even think) that you did it with a classic. When we did it in Oct. no one on a classic (to my knowledge at least) was able to get in. Too bad you all weren't able to get a debug build. The debug window was a really cool thing to see.