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From: (Real Act)
Date: 06 Feb 1999
Time: 11:19:35
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Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Mon, Feb 1, 1999, 1:03pm (EST-3) From: Real-Act@webtv.net (Real Act) Re: (Getting Back To TD)
lol, ok, so we're back on good ground. Now that thats out of the way, I remember Dead-Box saying (This was a while ago. About 2 - 4 months ago) that he would explain *why* it wasn't possible for a Classic user to get the Debug Window to come up while in one of those servers. Is it true Classic users *couldn't* get the Window's to come up? If so, why? And Ecwfrk2, I'm still wondering *why* you posted Killer Willies Builds. Did you think it wasn't of value, so therefore you thought it was ok? What I mean is, did you think it wasn't of any harm to do? - Real-Act -