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From: (The Path Of Rage)
Date: 06 Feb 1999
Time: 11:32:47
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Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Tue, Feb 2, 1999, 3:05am (EST-1) From: Ecwfrk2@webtv.net (The Path Of Rage) Oh great leader...
On one further note; As to me giving out the groups info, as I said when you went ballistic, I learn from my mistakes. I haven't given out any info that I didn't find on my own since then. 1 mistake corrected. Everyone who was in our groups knows what would happen if I did start spreading that info. I'm not that reckless. But I won't let you lie. If you want me to spread info like you have implied I have been doing I'll spread the info *you* gave me. (of you course you didn't find that either now did you. But you felt free to spread that around to those you trusted. I'd bet you didn't run that by the person who gave it to you did you?) I also haven't listened to any of your crap since then either. That's another mistake I've corrected. And I won't get into a mindless flame war with you throwing around lies and slander. I work for my info so I don't have the time you save by just letting the info roll in from others. Mistake #3 corrected. And I will beg WebTV to give us a damned kill file so I won't have to listen to you bash the newbies, or dismiss all theories or facts but your own, or listen to you claim credit for other people's discoveries, or just carry on like a pompous windbag. (Ya think I sound like Blueblade huh? Well, with so many people saying it, it must have some basis in fact don't you think?)