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From: (¬ð®ºð¥Ð· ÞÞØدطÐÞÅ)
Date: 06 Feb 1999
Time: 12:47:29
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Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Tue, Feb 2, 1999, 2:55pm From: IIIlllIIllIlIll@webtv.net (¬ð®ºð¥Ð· ÞÞØدطÐÞÅ) This NG is going to Shit!! Okay so someone fucked up...Dont we all. this news group isnt about reputation, its about hacking. now ive been lurking here for a couple months and actualy watched the ng go to shit. Cant we just forget the past and concentrate on what this was created for in the first place. AND FOR GOD SAKES if someone talks shit about you dont respond by posting a reply... send e mail, or better yet ignore them.