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From: (///\ ulTRÅX \\\/)
Date: 07 Feb 1999
Time: 09:28:43
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Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Tue, Feb 2, 1999, 10:19am From: ulTRAX@webtv.net (///\ ulTRÅX \\\/) Re: To the clueless: Imagine <ecw>
It seems that tough all these tired old bullshit arguements we floated by ECW a month ago and easily refuted.... he's decided to go on a slash and burn campaign here, attempting to cover up his betrayal of the group... and destroy this group in the process. He talks of DRY ICE getting into my then private HP which was a cenrtal repository of group info. He pretends that ICE somehow was able to get in because I fucked up and made a deal with him over DOOM codes. ECW knows this is a blatant lie yet repeats it. Why? He knows people like Poe and Hydrohelper, had accessed the pages weeks before using the Tripod search engine. No one in the group, not even the revisionist ECW can claim he knew of this threat and I foolishly ignored him (but he'll probably try.) The final straw for me that caused me to loose all respect fo ECW was catching him in his version of the Big Lie designed to bloster his pathetically weak case for giving away group info and to destoy my reputation within the group. Duing the debate he invented a "just in time" letter from someone who claimed to have discovered a code i accidentily posted in my sig New Years Eve. I was immediately suspicious and demanded 3 times that ECW produce the letter. The third time he claimed he "double-deleted" it. FIne... so I asked for the name... ECW convieniently forgot. Now, like the infamous Senator McCarthy waving papers as "proof" in front of the House Unamerican Activities Committee ECW is now claiming SIX letters which bolster his bullshit. You all can fall for it if you want.. As for the group needing new members.... ECW knows I was pushing for new members since October. But there was a rule that any new members had to get a unanimous vote. Anyway.... I did the honorable when this dispute got out of hand: I resigned from the group. For what it's worth... my resignation letter: ====================================== Saved message From: ulTRAX@webtv.net (///\ ulTRÅX \\\/) Date: Wed, Jan 6, 1999, 12:33pm To: Dead-Box@webtv.net, mattman69@webtv.net, speed-exp@webtv.net Subject: Future of group So guys... where do we go from here? I suspect that the ability for ECW and I to work together has been damaged beyond repair. Aside from the original issue in the dispute, there is the matter of the letter which I have always suspected was pure fabrication... though I was willing to gave ECW numerous opportunities to prove it existed. He convienietly can not. Why is this letter important? Because we are adults, not children. ECW used it as "proof" before us all to get himself out of a problem of his own making and in the process was using this "letter" to damage the reputation of another group member. I do not consider this acceptable... I have fucked up several times and never considered resorting to such tactics... This has not been about fucking up.... but honestly coming to grips with it. Aside from the issue of the letter, I can not accept his Clinton-esque tap dancing around the issue of sticking by his decision to give the codes away without consulting us and without safeguards, yet claiming to have apologized for doing so. Am I missing something? I regret if any of you think I am respsonsible for creating this situation. Given the guidlines I believed the group worked under, there was no choice but to raise the issues and to defend the group concept as I understood it. The following is not air-headed idealism. A key belief in our group that has always been a respect for other's work and contributions... but a strong understanding that we were a team with collective responsibilities and benefits. Rarely has any of our work not been based in the work of someone else. Another key belief is respect and trust for each other as individuals. Another foundation stone being respect for member equality and group decision making.. even while we can act as individuals.. within the group structure. I think it's these principles as much as our individual skills and knowledge, that have made us stronger and more productive then any other hacking group. I think these principles are worth actively defending. But it only works if all members actively share these beliefs. In my mind ECW's actions, and subsequent way of dealing with the issue are indications that he is out of step with the group's founding principles... beliefs I stongly value and stay in this group for. If they no longer guide the group, then I can not be a member... for it is the nature of the organization that holds as much appeal as the intellectual challenge of hacking. Unfortunately, this will not blow over. It means all of you, too, are in a bad position. We all are going to have to make some hard choices. We can disolve, reform, whatever. But I can not work with ECW. If we reform, I would expect to use the same guidlines as before... only with a bit more clearity. If any of you choose to remain in the group with him, I will not think less highly of you. I'm sure we can maintain a cordial and productive working relationship as we do with others.