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From: (The Path Of Rage)
Date: 08 Feb 1999
Time: 12:25:28
Remote Name:
Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Tue, Feb 2, 1999, 10:48pm (EST-1) From: Ecwfrk2@webtv.net (The Path Of Rage) Re: To the clueless: Imagine <ecw>
No, that was to add them to a different group. Not the inner circle. That was just to invite people who could be given admitance into an alternative place to post. The only factors that would get someone voted down was a tendency to flame or suspicion of outside loyalties. But when we first decided to nominate people into the original form of our forum all but 2 people were voted down by you. Again, you skew the facts to suit your need to keep people feeding you info.