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From: (Real Act)
Date: 08 Feb 1999
Time: 12:31:56
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Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Tue, Feb 2, 1999, 9:00pm (EST-3) From: Real-Act@webtv.net (Real Act) Re: (MattMan69) You know Chris was your inspiration to going to Weekly after he had proceeded to do so. But Chris is the one that shared *how* to go to Weekly with ulTRAX, and a few others, (Maybe a few others, not sure) and I'm sure with you. So why did you only mail the private group about how to get into TD? Chris willingly shared his find, but you didn't share the TD trick with him. And later you posted, which you shouldn't have, a post saying to retreat. Well Chris wasn't ready to retreat. And I think he explained that by an Email (lol Chris, I know what your thinking, and you Matt) This post wasn't meant as a put-downer, just to know *why* you didn't share the info. with Chris...and *why* you posted RETREAT!!!! You see, we're all human here, (Like Javier said, but in other words) we make mistakes. Who the hell doesn't? And I feel posting info. in this NG shouldn't be done, for, well, I'm sure those of you know why, but not everyone. Once again, this wasn't meant as a flame, nor do I categorize it as one. And I especially don't want to be flamed by someone for this. Curiousity killed the cat...I must be that poor poor kitty cat. - Real-Act -