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Re: To the clueless: Imagine <ECw> 

From: (///\ ulTRÅX \\\/)
Date: 08 Feb 1999
Time: 12:47:09
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Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Wed, Feb 3, 1999, 12:32am From: ulTRAX@webtv.net (///\ ulTRÅX \\\/) Re: To the clueless: Imagine <ECw>

Ecwfrk2@webtv.net writes: "You can keep lying and slandering all you want. I won't waste the energy it would take to prove your a fraud." I think the evidence clearly demonstrates that it is you , not I, who has resorted to lies and slander. "Fom all the response I have gotten it's not that much of a secret anyway. You have proven it over and over again in this group." I know about your claiming to "get" letters that just happen to support you. Sure now you may get a few... but I'm more interested in the deeper principles, not what passions you can inflame to conceal your own shortcomings. "You already have a shitty reputation. All it would take is for all the people who have mailed me about it to tell the group what they have told me to put it to bed permanetly." Oh, the letters again. Who Cares!!! Even if they are real this time and not more fabrications, you can fool some of the people some of the time.... but when they figure out you're only out for revenge.. and you have ruined many of their ambitions, they'll see through you. "..... while conviently sidestepping the issues I have put forth (such as the way you had no problem with raping every person who comes to this group of their SSID and then turn around and attack someone else who uses a form to do the same thing." Now only someone like you would bring this up because you know the code YOU GAVE AWAY was so sensitive I can't openly talk about it. How convienient of you... at which time I should remind all those you hope to decieve that YOU TOO, ECWFRK2, have all the information you pretend only I have. Why the delibrate deception, praytell? I bet you never mentioned in your posts that I was so upset with the code in question I wrote NetOps. Didn't think so. The fact that I accidentily posted it in my sig after too many drinks on New Years Eve can never compare to your giving it away. What was the first letter I wote to you all? I was royally pissed at myself...and soon had the post nuked. Why are you leaving out these details? "But for thiI care about making sure that people know what you're all about. And getting this newsgroup back to doing what it used to. That is all work together to find and explore the ddepths of the network. I no longer want to leech off the people who help us and never give back because we are so damned egotistical to think that other people don't don't deserve to know what we know. I want to get back to the free flow of information that gave you the info you use to elevate yourself above everybody else who comes to this group." Ok Hackerpus.... I have 140+ hours into MY homepage... trying to get info out to people. What have you done? Posted a Willies page that will WOW those newbies who be so in awe they'll think you're the Second Coming? It wears off soon once they know how you got it... and that you again betrayed group trust in "sharing" it with the masses. Some may lick your feet.... but in the end they will always have their doubts whether they can trust you. Not that trust is in your hierarchy of values. "No one disagreed with me giving that code to who I did except you. You unilaterally decided that it was wrong." I had the most to say because it was a code I contributed to the group Pool. Duh. "Just as you unilatterally decide what is right and wrong in this group as well." Unless you have never been able to read.. there is a Group Charter... you know, the one you used to post when "newbies" pissed you off?  "But no one dictates what I do." Dictate bullshit. You betrayed a group trust. And for that and your subsequent lame excuses and willfull provocations here, I have absolutely no respect for you.

Last changed: April 21, 1999