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From: (The Path Of Rage)
Date: 08 Feb 1999
Time: 13:56:25
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Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Wed, Feb 3, 1999, 1:58am (EST-1) From: Ecwfrk2@webtv.net (The Path Of Rage) Re: To the clueless: Imagine <ECw>
Tsk, Tsk, Tsk... The clueless Bob still doesn't get it. Or he at least wants to keep anyone else from getting it. I think the evidence clearly demonstrates that it is you , not I, who has resorted to lies and slander. Once again. The people in here are free to think for themselves. I'll let them decide on their own. I know about your claiming to "get" letters that just happen to support you. The letter was real. But why get you in another huff trying to figure out what to do about it? All you would have done is E-Mail the guy and pester him. He found the code in your sig, asked me what it did, and I blew him off hoping he wouldn't persue it. If I had told you where the letter had come from your pestering would just have validated his idea that is was important. And you're right. I did lie. I still have the letter and I know who sent it. But I would not subject some innocent newbie to your interrogation so I told you I didn't. I only told you of it's existance in a last, fultile attempt to calm you down. inflame to conceal your own shortcomings. Nope. I admit my short commings very publicly. But in the process I'm going to do my damndest to show other people yours so they don't make anymore mistakes when they decide to share with you. Oh, the letters again. Who Cares!!! You obviously only care about what you *get( from people and then expect your giving out of trivial crap (at best) in return to be adiquite. I would rather share and recieve in kind than have people blindly send me all their secrets. but when they figure out you're only out for revenge.. Revenge?!?!? For what? Your constant raping of the groups info for your selfish hoarding of info? OK, sure, revenge. and you have ruined many of their ambitions, I'd say I've advanced them. You are the one who has hindered them by by withholding info such as this until it is useless. YOU TOO, ECWFRK2, have all the information you pretend only I have. No. I have never used the code to steal SSID#'s (I've never used it myself at all in fact) And the ones you sent me are long since deleted. I have no intrest in collecting people's personal info. royally pissed at myself... Awww. You said you were mad at yourself... Well that makes up for it now doesn't it? Uh huh. Sure. and soon had the post nuked. Why are you leaving out these details? You were so upset at yourself that you immediatly deleted all those SSID#'s you "accidently" gathered beacause of your "accidental" post, right? BZZZZTTTT!!! WRONG! You systymaticlly sorted and passed around those SSID#s. What about those details? Ok Hackerpus.... I have 140+ hours into MY homepage... Don't forget about the fact that that page was only given out for the purpose "trying to get info out to people" *after* DRY_ICE did it for you. Until then it was members only. And would probably be the same today if you hadn't found out you weren't as secret as you thought and people hadn't outsmarted you and foud the pages themselves. The fact is, and you said this yourself, the only reason you made the site public is to keep DRY_ICE from claiming credit for it. And what about that "members only" page? Just one more thing to entice unsuspecting people to send you info. "Ooohhh! ulTRAX has a secret page! Maybe if I send him something really good he'll give me access." Well people, don't hold your breath. What have you done? Look at your credits page (if you haven't deleted my name from it yet) you will see my name in a few places too. Posted a Willies page that will WOW those newbies who be so in awe they'll think you're the Second Coming? It wears off soon once they know how you got it... and that you again betrayed group trust in "sharing" it with the masses. I don't care what people think. I had the info. I gave it out. If they appreciate it. Good. And who's trust did I betray? There is no "group". This newsgroup is the only "group" I belong too. I work privatly with a few select people who will trust my judgement to do what I think is right. So far, none of them think I'm wrong. Some may lick your feet.... but in the end they will always have their doubts whether they can trust you. Not that trust is in your hierarchy of values. There is no reason not to trust me. I gave out a code you had already posted to this newsgroup. I gave out another code that I had already known but had hadlittle use for. I never gave out the method I used to get the willies pages. I have never again given out the code you threw such a tantrum over. Aand again, as for your claim of me being out for revenge. I could easily give that code out here. I know it would serve both to get revenge and would likely drive you out of the newsgroups and E-Mail for fear of your privacy. I would have no problem doing so. The code doesn't concern me. But, as I said. It's not mine to give. It also wasn't yours to give. But you sent it to me. And you posted it here. And you ran to WebTV with the info as well (and everyone take note: Don't send ulTRAX anything that might be used against him. He'll use it to rape you of your info and then run to WebTV to take it away) Unless you have never been able to read.. there is a Group Charter... you know, the one you used to post when "newbies" pissed you off? Right. A bunch a vague, out of date crap hat can be used as a weapon by any high-and-mighty idiot against anyone to bolster their newbie bashing. I've admitted from the beginning that I was guilty of doing so. By pointing out what I have already admitted to doing in an attempt to defame me is a trulely lame act. Dictate bullshit. You betrayed a group trust. What trust? What group? I thought you thought groups were lame and doomed to failure (looks like you were right) I thought we were just working together to find all we could and shared info to reach that goal. To me, that sometimes meant giving info to other people. But you didn't agree and now say I violated the groups trust. I used my best judgement in giving that code to someone I trusted. Just because you didn't like it does not indicate a violation of trust. Just a small mis-judgement. And for that and your subsequent lame excuses and willfull provocations here, I have absolutely no respect for you. Awwwwww. ulTRAX doesn't respect me <sniff> 8'-(<whimper> Like a give a shit what you, or anyone else thinks of me. If you like and/or respect me, fine. If not, that's fine too. After all, who the hell am I? I'm just some green letters on a sceen. You need to get some perspective. You're not God, you're not special. You just a bunch of letters on a screen and I can get rid of you with a simple click of the button.