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From: (The Path Of Rage)
Date: 08 Feb 1999
Time: 15:48:49
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Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Wed, Feb 3, 1999, 3:25am (EST-1) From: Ecwfrk2@webtv.net (The Path Of Rage) Re: (Real-Act)
So why did you only mail the private group about how to get into TD? I'm the one who got into TD first out of our group. MattMan was prevented from being able to get there. I only thought of the way to get to testdrive out of necessity and paranoia. When in weekly I was unable to get back out because I was unable to find a working production upgrade or get the Jenny code to work and didn't want to leave my box in weekly (a good idea judging from what happened to Mirror) so in desperation I decided to try a few Daily upgrades and got one to work. Ince in TD I sent off a quick E-Mail to the group and got out as soon as found a working production upgrade. Chris willingly shared his find, but you didn't share the TD trick with him. And later you posted, which you shouldn't have, a post saying to retreat. Well Chris wasn't ready to retreat. The reason Matt posted that is (this is how he explained it to me) he was contacted by a WebTV official and was told that those people in weekly and testdrive would be put in an upgrade loop. He was just trying to warn us to get out while we could before we got locked in the loop (Although this time it wasn't a oop, they did something that screwed with the modem. Or at least something that made it seem that way.) In other words, his intentions were good. As for who is responsible for not sharing with BONEHAM, I don't know. I got info from both Matt adnd ulTRAX. But I didn't know it had originated from outside the group until MattMan told me BONEHAM1 had been the source (And I must congratulate BONEHAM1 again. It's definatly one of the best historical finds to date.) On that note, how about something off topic but a little more upbeat; My vote for the most historicly significant finds. #1. ctrl + cmd (Not the most amazin find, but probably the most useful) #2 The account hacking code #3 The tricks password #4 The JS reader (more of a creation than a find. But it's one of the best!) #5 BONEHAM1's TD upgrade access trick #6 Demo. (Actually, the ways Eek and others found to access it after the first way was removed are the significant finds) Just about every other trick we know came from variations of these findings.