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My apologies to the NG 

From: (///\ ulTRÅX \\\/)
Date: 09 Feb 1999
Time: 14:26:28
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Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Sat, Feb 6, 1999, 2:24am From: ulTRAX@webtv.net (///\ ulTRÅX \\\/) My apologies to the NG

I will try again.... hopefully a bit harder this time, not to respond to the hateful lies and distortions made against me. At this point I'm convinced that the person involved is either so hate-filled that he wants to cynically manipulate those who do not know the truth... or is having a genuine psychotic episode. I prefer to believe the former... even if it's hardly flattering. As I wrote earlier, the way this person wished to portray me... and by now his pattern is clear, if I sneeze he'll find a way to call it genocide. This is hardly a sane discussion or debate about Reality... only a tit for tat rebutal of an endless barage of false accusations made by the person in question. At this point I'm also embarassed that I was so unperceptive that I never caught on to the long term deceptions he now seems so proud of. Twice bitten, twice shy. Either way there is really nothing to debate since its not as if there is some Truth that can be arrived at by this process. I am at least gratified to know that I'm not totally insane, that two other people I worked with also can not figure what the person in question is doing. It seems obvious the barage of bullshit will always be a moving target because it's merely a smokescreen to conceal his hidden agenda... what ever that is. Knowing that, I was foolish to even bother responding once his pattern became clear. For those of you fooled by his noble prouncements you can also believe his predictible pronouncements of "victory" if you want. I personally think he's too far gone to bother with. If YOU foolishly ever have any future dealings with him... just remember what apparent pride he takes in dishonesty and betrayal. Go ahead EC.. the floor's all yours. Knock yourself out! Foam at the mouth to your heart's content. The rest of you, don't say you were never warned.

Last changed: April 21, 1999