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From: (///\ ulTRÅX \\\/)
Date: 11 Feb 1999
Time: 12:26:17
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Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Sun, Feb 7, 1999, 1:16am From: ulTRAX@webtv.net (///\ ulTRÅX \\\/) Re: My apologies to the NG<missincali>
missincali wrote: "I understand that webtv is monitoring this group.You have shown that some info should not be shown to some users that would abuse it right? Well how do you decide who is safe with the info?" After a someone associated with WTV security tried to infiltrate this group about 4 months ago... some here have circled the wagons. Hardly an irrational reaction. Since I was the one personally contacted by this WTV person, I tend to be suspicious of names I do not know. But, given my experience and knowing WTV's track record of removing our tricks, I guess I have that right. If a newbie does not understand this.... I will try as I did here to explain my attitude. If this does not work... I do not and can not care. I know that no one has done more to further the study of the wtv network than I... which is not to say that I am in any way a good hacker. If you have been here long enough, you'll know that I never claimed much. None the less, all one has to do is compare my HP to others which claim to deal with WTV hacking to know the truth... that I am hardly an info hoarder.... and my page is far from finished.. "I would hope some of you that hve some info that would be safe for newbies to mess with.Would atleast throw a secret link or a page with hidden agenda behind it here and there" Hopefully my page will eventually serve that purpose. But despite what some might say.. as they walk the tightrope of their own hypocracy.... claiming that I don't release info fast enough, as if they did,... the simple fact is it takes time to organize large amounts of data. While last November I may have wanted to include Form Elements and IP/DNS info... simple fact is I never got around to it.. any more than I got around to cleaning up the codes like Explore and Flashrom. Sue me. Hell, I knew ECW was working on the IP/DNS info... and to divert time to Form elements while other pages are still a mess was just a juggling act in chaos. Hey... if it might take 200 hours to create the best WTV hacking page yet.. it seems unfair to judge it at 140 hours.... especially since it's not YOUR free time being sacrificed for this effort. As for what's his face, he spent his wad in a blaze of egotistical glory.,, and now what? "I also see newbies in here havent got any balls to say whats on thier mind!" You haven't been around here long enough. LOL. Anyway. I'm dying to see what what's his name will say in repsonse. Maybe that I should have hired a servent to do this work... and since I did not, that's just more PROOF I'm a scum-bag info-hoarder. (being one with a perverted sense of humor, I actually can find the lighter side of what his name's rantings. I suggest everyone interested in devient psychology collect and study the debate as it has unfolded here. It's really quite fascinating.....)