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From: (The Path Of Rage)
Date: 11 Feb 1999
Time: 12:31:30
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Group: alt.discuss.webtv.hacking Date: Sun, Feb 7, 1999, 8:53am (EST-1) From: Ecwfrk2@webtv.net (The Path Of Rage) Re: My apologies to the NG<missincali>
After a someone associated with WTV security tried to infiltrate this group about 4 months ago... He didn't try to infiltrate anything. DRY_ICE invited him into his group. He didn't solicit DRY_ICE for that invitation. And to my knowledge he didn't take DRY_ICE up on the offer. But because he chose to use his WebTV unit rather than his corp address you assumed he was attempting to infiltrate. knowing WTV's track record of removing our tricks Our tricks are their security holes. Any corporation (or person) who doesn't do everything they can to ensre their personal or corporate security would be a fool. I know that no one has done more to further the study of the wtv network than I... Cock-a-doodle-DOOOOOOOO!!!! Now puff out that chest..... all one has to do is compare my HP to others and my page is far from finished.. Hopefully my page will eventually serve that purpose. Hey... if it might take 200 hours to create the best WTV hacking page yet.. And you still contend you aren't spamming this group with your page? As for what's his face, he spent his wad in a blaze of egotistical glory.,, and now what? You claim to want an end and then you try and goad me into further debate by launching these childish personal attacks. Yeah, I'm the one with the personal agenda... Anyway. I'm dying to see what what's his name will say in repsonse. Maybe that I should have hired a servent to do this work... and since I did not, that's just more PROOF I'm a scum-bag info-hoarder. (being one with a perverted sense of humor, I actually can find the lighter side of what his name's rantings. I suggest everyone interested in devient psychology collect and study the debate as it has unfolded here. It's really quite fascinating.....) Again, you claim to want an end but you continue to throw out these immature, attempts at insulting me. But what would we expect from a person like you? Anyone interested in devient child psychology should study your rantings. They would make a very interesting case study.